Sunday, June 16, 2024

Walnut trees

The young walnut tree is doing fine.

The old tree... not so fine.

Here you can see splits in the bark in a few locations.  Apparently this is due to the very cold temperatures we had this past Winter and last Winter.   I cut a few of these branches off the tree.

Near the base of the trunk, the tree is trying to grow again.  Two shoots - on each side of the tree.   I hope the tree makes a comeback and survives another Winter.

I looked closely at the walnut tree because when I harrowed the corral today my tractor's bucket, raised high to avoid the fence, hit a few of the walnut tree branches.  The branches snapped off as the branches were deader than I thought they would be.

Also when taking the walnut tree photos I also took a photo of my box elder trees by the house.  The light from the setting sun made them look good.

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