Sunday, June 09, 2024

Cattle north pasture. Turtle

Saturday I let the cattle into the north pasture as the grass in the NE pasture and fruit tree areas were eaten down pretty good.   First I had to spray the cows' backs with a de-worming / anti-fly agent.   Usually I do this before letting the cattle into the yard but this year I forgot.  Then Donna remined me I hadn't done it yet this year.  She helped me herd the cattle into the loading corral to spray them before letting them into the north pasture.  Haynes and two cows didn't want to go into the loading corral and I ended up chasing them around the corral to spray.  There was a lot of around-and-around running by me and the cows.

Sprayed but still in the corral.

Just out to the north pasture.

Late afternoon I was out close to the river where my irrigation shed is located.  Up on the high bank I found this turtle.   There are turtles in the river but they usually are sunning themselves on branches against the shore and when they hear me them immediately plop into the water.  But this turtle earier decided to climb up the bank and sit here.

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