Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sold another haybine

I sold my New Holland haybine about 10 days ago.  Last weekend I put another haybine on Craigslist to sell.   This haybine is an OMC haybine.   I got it 20 years ago before I even had a tractor to operate it.

The haybine ran but needed bearings on one side of the wheel spindle.  I never fixed or used this haybine as I was able to get the New Holland haybine.   So this OMC haybine just sat there. Over the years the tires decayed and were now useless.  It was past time to get rid of this haybine and clean up the pasture.  Initially I planned on having Curtis haul the haybine to the scrap recycling place on his truck.  But then I decided to list it on Craigslist in case anyone may want it and make it easier for me to get rid of the haybine.  I only asked $150 for it.   I was surprised as within one day I had three people interested in buying it. 

The first guy was 86 years old and lived a long distance away.  He was interested in hauling the haybine on a trailer.   But that would be difficult and he had problems getting stuff together.   The second caller lived 5 miles from me.  He was mechanical guy.   He was able to find tires for the haybine.  Not easy to do as the tires were unusual.  He found some tires at a salvage yard.  It took a few days.  He got the haybine today.

I'm glad someone could use the haybine and I didn't have to scrap it.   Now to sell my old tractor.

He took the rims when getting the tires.  The rims were also unusual as they had 5 bolts and not 6 bolts to fasten the rim to the haybine.

Both tires were like this.

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