Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Tree that fell in January

Here are a few photos of the tree that fell back on January 11 when cold temperatures and very strong winds arrived.

Here is how the tree looked back then.

After a bit the cattle started eating some the needles off the branches they could reach. Not the best thing for cows to eat if there is a lot to eat.  So I started cutting the branches with needles off the tree and put them somewhere where the cattle couldn't reach them.   Then I cut the rest of the branches off the tree and hauled them off.  I did this slowly day by day as it was still cold and snowy outside.  

I finished this task the first week of February and that is when I took these later photos.  That is why it is still fairly snowy on the ground.   I haven't raked and cleaned up the rest of the small branch pieces or use my chainsaw to cut the tree trunk into sections.  I will eventually do so when it gets a little nicer.  I want this cleaned up before I harrow the field as this tree is in the way.

Here you can see how and why the tree blew over even though the ground was frozen.  No tap root and the roots to the side didn't go all the way around.  The wind got from a certain direction and no side roots to help the tree stay upright.

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