Saturday, March 16, 2024

No new babies today

No new baby calves on Friday.  Or at least, before it got dark.  After that, who knows?

Here are some photos of the cattle this morning.

This is the second born calf.  The one I had to pull to help the mother give birth.

Some cows will partially climb in the feeder to eat hay, even though they can easily reach the hay standing on the ground.

The third born calf and mother were out of the corral this morning.  But they weren't in the middle pasture with the rest of the cattle.  They were in the north pasture under a tree.  They stayed in the noth pasture most of the day.  At 7 pm when I checked on the cattle again, they were still in the north pasture under a different tree closer to the gate.  So I herded them into the middle pasture as I wanted to close that gate.  That way when the hay is eaten the cattle stay in that pasture and I can easily bring out a new bale in the north pasture.   When I herded the two into the middle pasture they didn't go to the hay feeder and instead went to the middle / south pasture fence.  They didn't want to join the other cattle.  The other cattle did watch them.  Who is the new baby?

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