Saturday, March 23, 2024

Calf 5 banded

Donna come over before noon to help me band calf 5.   This time both testicles had dropped.  The calf's scrotum is on the small size so it was some effort to get the banding done.  The calf was laying under the barn's side roof on the gravel I had placed there.  Without the gravel the area would have standing water after the Spring melt-off.

However, kneeling on gravel and rocks is hard on the knees.  After a few attempts in trying to band the calf I moved the calf out to the grassy area.  Then it was easier to kneel on the ground.  After some effort and time and re-positioning Donna got the band on the calf.

Newly tagged.

Yes, the calf does have a tail.  Unlike his mother.

A few hours later in the afternoon the wind picked up and the snow started.  Winter has returned.   In the morning I had let the cattle into the main corral and gave them a small bale of hay.  Instead of putting a large hay bale out late afternoon I gave the cattle a few small bales.  I'll put out a large hay bale tomorrow after the wind dies down and the snow stops.

With the warm weather we had earlier this week the grass is greening up and starting to grow.  Here are the tulips starting to grow.

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