Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Fourth tree stump removed

Back when I used the haybine to cut some of the grass in the middle pasture back in August, I must have brushed against a tree stump with the tractor, or most likely the haybine.  I didn't notice until I later saw part of the tree stump laying on the ground.

This was a tree stump I was keeping for the cattle to rub against.  Years ago I cut some of the stump with a chainsaw.  The stump's wood was very hard and that is why I decided to keep the stump for the cattle to rub against.   The stump's wood is still hard - above the ground.  At and below the ground the wood is not hard and that is why the stump broke off.

No sense keeping the rest of the stump.  I used the tractor's arm to knock the rest of the stump over.  The remaining part of the stump is a number of inches below ground level.  I will leave it be.

One less stump to harrow around next year.

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