Sunday, March 28, 2021

Still no testicle

Today Donna, my neighbor Ty, and I checked the bull calves' testicles in an attempt to band / castrate them.  Ty helped because now after a week the calves can run fast, and Ty has had experience castrating calves in the past.

Around and around the corral Ty and I went as the calves and mothers ran from me. I caught one calf. Ty and I were holding the calf down, and I was checking the calf, when Donna arrived.  Donna worked and worked but couldn't keep both testicles in the scrotum long enough to band them.  Eventually we quit.

Then it was on to the next calf.  Around and around we went.  At the east end of the corral I was able to somewhat catch the calf.  Down I went into the nearby gate.  I ended up underneath the calf and was holding on to it so the calf wouldn't get away before Ty and Donna reached us.  Ty then grabbed on to the calf and I was able to get out from underneath the calf.  I didn't want it to be me getting castrated as I was on the bottom.

We checked and checked and could only find one testicle.  So we quit.   Neither calf was different from the last time Donna and I checked last Tuesday.  I'll have to give the calves more time before trying again.  Hopefully the calves will drop both testicles so we can get this done.  So, for now they will remain in the corral.  If the calves were in the pasture... good luck in trying to catch them.

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