Saturday, March 20, 2021

Friday cattle photos

Here are some photos of the cattle when I checked for new calves in the morning, and again later afternoon.   No new calves today.

The morning...

The male calf likes to lay between the trees.  An earlier day I had to check on him closer as he was laying in-between two really close trees.  His mother was mooing at him and he just laid there.  He was fine.  The mother was going to go eat from the hay bale and she wanted the calf to go with her so she could keep an eye on the calf as she ate.

This is why I move the feeder location each time I give them a new hay bale.  The cattle make a mess of the ground around the feeder as the ground is moist enough right now for their hooves to make an impression.

Now that the frost is out of the ground I also put three metal t-posts in the feeder.  Otherwise the cattle can push the heavy feeder even with hay inside the feeder.  Then it makes a mess and some of the hay is stepped on into the ground and is then not eaten.

Late in the afternoon.  I don't know why, but the photos color is different depending on the angle or location I took the photos.

The other cows don't really like Mama cow.  So often she lays away from the cows and in another part of the pasture.  Mama is looking in a direction away from the other cows.

Here is a 1 minute 42 second video of Speckles licking her calf:

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