Sunday, March 14, 2021

Calf 4 - 8's

This morning I found a new baby calf.  Another heifer.  That makes four heifers so far this year.  The calf's fur was all dry, and she could get up and move around; so I think she was born earlier, sometime during the night.

I've been watching three other cows as two of them had their due date on March 10 and March 11.  No calves yet from them.  The other cow looks close.  I don't know what day her due date is.

Cow number 8 didn't look as close to having a calf as the other three cows, but she did.  The cow and calf looks to be fine.

In the afternoon Donna came over to help me tag the calf's ear.  For whatever reason some of my lower back's muscles got sore after I sat in a chair this morning.  Don't know why.  But it made me slower to bend over or kneel to the ground.  Of course this calf decided to jump up and walk when I wanted to kneel down to hold her and ear tag her.   The calf then bawled out.   Mama cow is not her mother, and has no calf yet, but she came running over to take me out.  Donna had her walking stick and was able wave it and keep Mama away from me.  The calf got away from me and I had to re-do it again to grab the calf and get it to lay down so I could ear tag it safely.  I did.   My back wasn't too happy with my efforts.

I just bought a new camera so my pictures should look better now.

The mother (#8) and a number of aunties checking out the calf after I ear tagged it.

Ok, let's go somewhere else, away from the rancher and his friend.  Who know what they will do next to us?

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