Monday, March 15, 2021

Broken corral boards

Toby was at it again.  After I fed the cows this morning I noticed four of the boards in his part of the corral were off the posts, and two of the boards were broken.   Since I had put wire on the other sections he had broken in the past, Toby moved over to these sections with no wire on them.  Toby has plenty of hay.  He and Muscles could have easily left the corral, but they didn't.  So I spent the entire morning fixing the fence, then getting another section of wire to cut and nail to more sections of the fence.  I was able to put wire on the two sections Toby broke, and also two more sections on either side of the broken sections. 

They are more sections of the fence with no wire as an addition.  Some other day I'll get around to adding wire to those sections, unless Toby changes my schedule once again.

While I worked on the repairing the fence I had to put up with Toby moaning.  Over and over.  The cows were in the other part of the coral and it seems as if cow #60 was in heat. It has been 45 days since she gave birth.  By time I took the photo I had chased cow #60 away from the other side of the fence and over into the loading corral.  Didn't matter.  Toby stood there and looked and cried out for her to come back.   By late afternoon she must not have been in such strong heat as Toby wasn't moaning then.

On the left is a calf born the end of last July.  He has grown well.   On the right is a cow I am watching as she is looking like she is getting closer to giving birth.  No today though.   Another cow gave birth today.  I'll have photos tomorrow as it was getting too dark to take photos.

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