Thursday, July 12, 2012

Second yard tree

I've cut and cleaned up the second tree that fell in the yard.  This was the tree by the well that really took down the power lines when the top half of the tree broke off during the June 23 storm.

I left some of the branches where the fence was damaged until I could repair it.  That way the horses couldn't get out of the pasture.

Ta da!  The tree is cleaned up and the branches are gone.

Wednesday morning I had to fix the fence in a location on the other side of the garage.  I thought the top board was good but one of the horses (Firefeather) broke it and then hopped the fence to go from the yard to the pasture.  Usually the problem is the other way but I am currently keeping the horses in the yard to eat the grass down,

10 second video of working on the tree:

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