Sunday, July 22, 2012

Marion auction

Saturday, while Tammy was holding her women's expo, I drove up the road to Marion for an auction.  The auction was advertised as a two-day auction with lots of tools, antiques and general stuff.

They had five 10 ft Powder River heavy duty gates.  The paint was mostly worn off the gates but otherwise no dents.  The gates sold for $55 each - a good deal.  However I already have a number of gates to install and I am not sure I need more 10 ft gates.  Also I had driven my car and not the pickup.

The crowd was not large.  While I heard about a large anvil being sold for $300 before I arrived, I noticed the prices for other stuff ranged from reasonable to cheap.

There was a nice horse buggy at the auction.  It didn't sell when I was there so I don't know what it sold for.

The dark circle on the back (trunk) was water.  The large spring is what the box unit sits on.  The buggy seems to be a simply made vehicle.

I was interested in these wooden snowshoes but the auctioneer skipped this area to get into the building and tools.  Who knows when the auction would get back to these snowshoes - today or tomorrow?

I left the auction empty handed. But not frustrated as there was nothing I really wanted.

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