Monday, July 23, 2012

Grass growing in beds

Last year I made an effort to weed out all of the grass growing in my strawberry bed.  This year you'd never know the work I did last year.

This year the strawberry bed is hidden in the grass. The posts mark the bed's boundaries.  In the second photo you can see the rhubarb is fighting the grass.

I cleared the grass from around the two surviving rhubarb plants and from a few strawberry plants.  I fenced off the cleared area to keep the horses from it and for now will let the horses eat the grass down over the rest of the strawberry bed.  Then I will fence that area to protect the strawberry plants that are surviving.

Even my raspberry plants were getting taken over my grass, and I haven't had much grass problems in that bed before.  Partially cleared... and fully cleared.

I fenced off the raspberry bed, and also fenced off some other bushes in the fruit tree and garden area, then opened the gate this evening to let the horses in.  "The Bitch" immediately came over when she saw I was working to open the gate.  She and the other horses immediately started chomping on the grass.  You'd think they were starving by how the eagerly they ate the grass.  They reminded me of how cattle act when they get into a new pasture.

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