Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Into the hayfield

Sunday evening, July 22, I let the cattle into the hayfield.   I wasn't sure I was going to do this as the two bloat blocks on the east side of the pasture had minimal licking on them.  All but two of the cattle surrounded me as I checked the bloat blocks.

I went to check the bloat block on the west side of the pasture.  This block showed signs of cattle licking it.  I decided to let the cattle into the hayfield.

The cattle decided to follow me to the west bloat block.  They then turned around and followed me to the hayfield gate.  I always like the cattle see me open the gate so their following me made the task easier.

The alfalfa has flowered so it was a better time to let the cattle into the hayfield.  Maybe the alfalfa wouldn't be so "hot" and potentially cause bloating in cattle.

The grass was tall.

The horses didn't seem too pleased to see the cattle in the hayfield.  Perhaps they felt the field was theirs.

The neighbor across the road still has five cows and one bull.  My cattle and the neighbor's cattle like to be near each other.  I often see them taking their siestas along the fences in their respective fields.

Now to cure the cattle of their tendency to bellow outside my bedroom window at 7 am.

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