Saturday, May 26, 2012

Debris pile

Since I am past the major construction phase and past the phase of putting in sheet rock, etc., I cleaned up my debris pile.

The following photo shows the debris pile from the first day my uncles were here.  The stuff I removed prior to my uncles arrival I already had sorted and put away.  The debris in this photo was what we expected to remove from the bathroom.  My uncles really tore into demolishing my bathroom.

Here is the debris pile at the end when my uncles left.  The pile includes the unexpected stuff we had to remove (one example: the floor), and remnants from our rebuild work.

Here is the area after I cleaned it up.  A little over a week under the debris and the grass was already affected.

After sorting out the metal, copper, brick and the wood I put on my potential reuse piles, this is the wood left for my burn pile.  This is enough stuff to light fires to get a couple of tree stumps burning.

I'm glad I got the debris pile cleaned up before the rains came!

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