Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Census stories

A few Census stories...
  • when one of my male workers knocked on a house door he was told to come around back of the house.  When he did he found a woman sunbathing topless.  She was not shy at all at being topless. So he sat down and began to conduct the interview.  When she asked if he was flustered at her appearance he said no, but that he was distracted.  So she put a robe on so he could conduct the interview without distractions.  He commented to me later: "Man, I love this job!"
  • I learned that the story about the mentally disabled young adult and the little person census worker in Bigfork is an urban myth.  He didn't lock the census worker in a closet and call his parents saying that he captured a 'troll'.
  • Joyce saw more bears including a mama bear and two cubs.  Another one of my census workers in the North Fork also saw bears.
  • I am almost done with my district.  Since Tammy arrived I have been trying to offload my census work to two co-worker crew leaders who claimed they were pretty much done with their smaller districts.  I discovered they weren't "as done" as they claimed.  While I finished the rest of my district on Saturday they are still working to finish the two pieces I gave them  The only stuff left for me is to "cross the i's and dot the t's" that I missed on the questionnaires I checked over and sent to Missoula and they return to me.  I have checked and signed over 2500 questionnaires so far.  I guess it is to be expected that I missed finding a few errors on some of them.

1 comment:

X. Dell said...

Hmm. That first story kinda makes you wanna go out in the field, huh?

We don't have bears anywhere near my CLD, but we do have armed ex-cons. I wonder who would win in a fair fight:-)

BTW, in some of our districts, Anti-Government Dr. is every street.