Monday, December 17, 2007

Poor showing at Trivia night

Monday night and another night of trivia. Alan is having health problems and wasn't there. Seven years ago he had a pancreas transplant. All was fine until a month ago when it appears his body had decided to start rejecting his pancreas.

Austin didn't show and Rod showed up late. For the first eight questions I was a team of one. And not doing too well as I had more odd guesses than answers. Once Rod showed up we did better.

Examples of how bad I was playing was that I couldn't remember Bruce Wayne's aunt's name (Harriet -- why did I think it was Mildred?), or that Pearl S. Buck wrote "The Good Earth". I remembered everything else about the book and movie but the author's name.

There were only half the number of people competing tonight. The problem was the better teams were there and the bad teams were missing. For the first game we only got 11 of 20 correct. Good enough to tie for last place. The winning team had 18 correct. I've never been in last place before.

We did better in the second game if you call 12 of 20 correct. At least we were not last even though a different winning team had 18 of 20 correct.

I knew the answer to only one of the "quarters/bucket" trivia questions but one of the lawyers got the chance first to answer correctly that Wyoming's state nickname is the "Equality State". It was annoying as he correctly answered over half the "quarters/bucket" trivia questions. Oh well, t-shirts were the prizes and I certainly don't need any more t-shirts.

While there were half the number of people, it only takes a few smokers to make one's clothes stink.

At least I got some free food to munch on while I made wild guesses.

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