Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ambulance ride

This afternoon mom went from Manor Care over to the hospital for an EKG test and some blood work. Last night she had heartburn so this morning her doctor wanted to do tests to figure out the cause. While the Commission on Aging will transport people, they need 24 hour advance notice. This is where the local ambulance comes in. It seems as more of their business is transporting people in non-emergency conditions.

Even though Manor Care and the hospital entrance are a block or two apart and I could easily walk the distance, the ambulance personal said my brother and I could ride in the back with them and mom. So we did.

This was the first time I have been in an ambulance. Interesting. They have lots of supplies and no longer just do "grab and go" trips to the hospital in emergency conditions.

Also the ride is a little bumpy due to the stiff suspension. One guy said making the suspension softer would cause the vehicle's height to be raised. Already the shorter women personnel have difficulty lifting the patients and stretcher up and into the back of the ambulance. It seems as if the personnel need upper body strength as I notice that after the patient is on the stretcher the personnel lift the stretcher and patient and the stretcher's "legs" drop down further so the patient rides higher and closer to eye level.

While waiting in admissions for the EKG person to arrive one ambulance guy made a beeline to a young woman down the corridor. I heard him mention he had tickets to some event and asked if she was interested. I thought either she wasn't interested or was "playing it cool" and heard her say it was more of a guy's thing. I asked later about his interaction with her and he said it was about ice fishing and she had a 5 year son, and oh by the way, he had a girlfriend. Okay.

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