Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas lights in mom's room

To brighten up mom's room at Manor Care my brother brought from home a few of mom's Christmas decorations.

The snowman is owned by mom's roommate; the rest of the decorations are mom's.

On Monday mom had a visit with her cardiologist. He modified a few of her meds; otherwise it is a waiting game for mom to improve her strength with a goal of eventually having surgery to replace a clogged heart valve.

As usual with a situation where one has a few different doctors, one needs to try to tie all the doctors into an overall picture as each doctor sees only their small segment.

As what seems to be typical when one is in a nursing home or rehab facility, one is looked after by a doctor assigned to the facility and not one's primary health care physician. This is yet another person to speak with and who only sees a part of the picture as they got involved only after one enters the facility.

I spent Monday tracking down doctors and a nurse practitioner to discuss status and goals.

Mom wanted to return home before Christmas but it now seems as this won't occur until after Christmas.

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