Sunday, September 24, 2006

Pie, windows, Lyle

My excuse for getting up late this morning was that I was up until after 3 am this morning. Too bad, it was a beautiful morning and I missed half of it. I need to get to bed earlier!

It didn't freeze last night as the low was 33 F. The time I spent covering my garden was for naught. At least I was able to cover the garden before dark so I was able to efficiently use my tarps to cover things. I even had a few tarps left over. The low tonight is predicted to be below freezing. We'll see it the forecasters get it right tonight (though I hope they are wrong).

Worked more on adding trim to my house's windows. I didn't finish all the windows. No, it wasn't because I slept the morning away. I baked an apple pie this morning, and as I make the pie crust from scratch it takes a few more minutes to make the pie.

Also I chatted across the fence with my neighbor Lyle. As I hadn't talked with him since getting his signature on my road petition, I filled him in on the status of the proposed subdivision north of us. He still has his house and property for sale, though not with the realtor from last year as he was unhappy with her work. He isn't pushing to sell his house this year as he wants to work on it a little more. The annual Log Jam event to raise money to aid injured loggers is tonight, and as he is a logger, Lyle said he would attend.

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