Thursday, September 14, 2006

Before the weather changes

The weather forecasters still insist summer will soon be over and that colder and wetter weather is coming. I may have to agree as today was cloudier and cooler than the previous summer days. The satellite images show storms building in the Gulf of Alaska and coming this way.

I had all summer to get my project dones. It's Fall, and again this year I feel the clock ticking to get things done before the snow flies. Where did the time go?

The leaves are turning yellow and brown and fluttering down. Today I noticed the ground under the patio trees is covered in leaves. How did that happen so fast? Maybe it happened under the cover of darkness. Today we lost 3 minutes and 28 seconds of daylight length. That is how much less daylight we will have tomorrow. That's a lot to lose in one day! We are now in the period of rushing into darkness, Fall and Winter. So soon. So fast. And I have many things to do before the snow falls.

Enough whining.

This morning while I was sorting apples (one for me, one for my cattle, one for me, two for my cattle, three for my cattle, one for me...) Rhonda from Schwans Ice Cream delivery stopped by to pitch why I should consider buying food from them. No sale. But we did have a nice chat about apples, apple butter, Schwans, DHL delivery and why she is quitting Schwans to go back to being a DHL delivery person (better hours to allow her to be home more with her daughter).

My poor-to-begin-with flirting skills have gotten so rusty the past years here in Montana that they are pretty much non-existent. Rhonda had red hair and freckles which intrigued me. Her Schwans outfit was a negative. And she was missing a molar. That shouldn't matter, but a gap in a smile is a distraction. Oh well, I am more focused right now on getting stuff done before tomorrow's predicted rain.

I taped the towing plug's wires for my stock trailer. In testing the wires I found the right signal and right brake light doesn't work. The right light's bulb is good as both the right and left parking lights work. The left light works just fine. Odd.

I thought maybe the wires weren't connected to the correct wires. The color (and purpose) for both ends match. I tried switching a couple wires but no change. I checked the trailer's wiring and it all looks fine from the outside. I guess I'll have to buy a tester to see if the wire has current. When one is under a deadline why can't things work fine the first time?

The cattle spent much of the day in the north pasture down by the river. I have bags and bags of apples and bread as they haven't been to the house for a few days now. This early evening they wandered near the corral. Probably to lick the salt blocks. I tossed them several bags of apples. Then bread. Then I started to pull stuff from my garden: broccoli plants, some bean plants, a sunflower, and corn stalks with no or very small corn on them. The cattle loved it all, though some cattle were picky about the bread.

I also worked more on insulating my well's shed. I only got a little more done before the day disappeared on me and darkness fell.

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