Friday, August 18, 2023

100 degrees

Yesterday we reached 100 degrees.  This is after days of 96 and 97 degrees for high temperatures.   The 100 degrees did it.  My irrigation pump stopped working.  I'm not sure when the pump stopped.  When I was cutting hay I would occasionally look over to see if the sprinklers were throwing water.  They were.  But shortly after I finished cutting my field I looked over and no water was being tossed.  I went to check on the pump and to re-start it.  But the pump was very hot to touch.  So I decided to not re-start the pump and to let it cool down.  Our overnight low temperature was 73 degrees which is very, very warm for us.  I didn't re-start the pump until this morning.  The pump started up fine.  Since these sections of the pastures hadn't had a full irrigation period, and these sections are the drier sections, I didn't move the irrigation pipes this morning.

Yesterday morning, moving the south irrigation line in the south pasture took more effort.  I had gone out and come back on the south line.  The south line did the irrigation.  The north line is still on the comeback.  Rather than turning around to go out again on the south line, I moved all of the line back to the far end of the south pasture.  For the south line that is twelve valves.   12 times 60 feet equals 720 feet.  That way, at the end, when moving the three lines of pipes back to the stacking/storage area, I have less distance to move the south line of pipes.  I didn't move the south line to the middle and north pastures as the line is not long enough to cover all those pastures.

Add in the time I spent yesterday cutting hay, since I wasn't going to re-start the irrigation pump, I went to sleep.  I slept from 6 pm to 10 pm. Solid.

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