Thursday, May 27, 2021

Guard turkey, fixing fence, and grass clippings

Before I let the cattle out to grass I spray them to guard against flies and other insects.  I had to buy new pesticide.  I rode my bicycle to get the gallon container.  As I rode home - into the strong wind - I rode by Donna's place.  I decided to take a break from riding and visit her.  As I was getting off my bicycle I looked out towards her back yard to see if her pet turkeys were out and about.  All of a sudden her male turkey started gobbling and was running towards me.  The turkey was laying by her house and I hadn't seen him.

 I had to go.  I kept my bicycle between us and he ran around the bicycle.  And I ran around the other side of the bicycle.  I wanted to get on my bicycle but was afraid he would attack my leg on the side he was at as I pedaled.  So I put one foot on the pedal and hopped along to get up speed.  As I got closer to the road and starting to get away from the turkey I hopped on my bicycle and began pedaling.  

The turkey ran after me to the road, then down the road after me.  I was able get going and away from him.  When I got home I called Donna for her to check up on her turkey to see if he returned home.   He had.  Donna had no idea he ran after me.  She thought it was funny when I told her what happened.

Once I let my cattle out on grass Ruth would like them to eat the grass down in her pasture. So I would like the cattle to be there first before then rotating them across my pastures.  Last month someone drove off the road and took out three fence posts along her pasture. The fencing is field fence and is still standing mostly upright.  But without the posts I don't trust the cattle won't cause the fencing to go down and then they get out.  So much work is going on in the Valley Ruth can't find a fencing company that will just repair her fence.  They want to rebuild her entire fence.  And the insurance company, Progressive, for the driver who broke the fence doesn't want to pay for fixing the fence.  So I fixed the fence.  Two of the fence posts were not broken, just pulled out of the ground so I put them back into place.  The other post was broken so I pounded in a few steel fence posts she happened to have as extras.  So her fence is fixed. I do have to check the rest of her fencing before the cattle go in the field as I don't trust fencing when cattle are around.

Jan was mowing her lawn across the road.  Some areas had thick grass so she was raking up some of the grass and placing them into large plastic bags.  I had to put out a new hay bale for the cattle this evening so they were laying around the day waiting.  So I gave the cattle Jan's grass to tide them over.  The cows knew something was up when I came with two bags.  I dumped one into one wooden feeder and they went crazy over the grass.  The calves couldn't compete with the cows so I dumped the other bag into four piles on the ground.  But the calves didn't know what was happening, or understand the black plastic bags and grass, so they stood and stared at me.  Eventually a couple of calves came over to check a grass pile out.  By the time the other calves came over the cows had scarfed the grass in the feeder and now saw the grass on the ground and came running over.  They pushed the calves away.

I got one more bag from Donna.  I wanted to put the grass into the wooden feeder.  It was an effort to do so as the cattle wanted the grass from the bag now.  I had to stand in the feeder to empty the bag so I didn't get knocked over.

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