Sunday, April 29, 2018

Leaning feeder

The cows have been hard on the long wooden feeder.  They push hard against it while eating.  It was starting to lean badly again.  So I pounded a metal t-post next to the feeder to help hold it upright.  Because of the forecast of rain over these next three days I gave the cows an entire big hay bale in the metal feeder and turned them loose on it this morning.

The bigger cows push Sugar and the heifers around when eating hay.  Lately I've taken to splitting the hay I feed twice a day into the large metal feeder and the wooden feeder.  The cows all go to the metal feeder to eat.  Then I put the rest of the hay into the wooden feeder.  The heifers and Sugar see I do this as they were pushed away from the metal feeder.  Once they are at the wooden feeder I close the corral gate so they can eat without hassle.

This morning they came into the corral to the wooden feeder.  But since I put a large bale out and didn't use the pickup, I had no extra hay for them.  I think they had to wait until the big bully cows finished eating so they could eat. They were sad.

No extra hay for us?

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