Friday, April 13, 2018

Calf 10 - Sugar's

Sugar finally had her calf this afternoon.  A male calf.  She only had one calf, though she looked big enough to have twins.  Her udder for the past few days was so large she hit it as she walked.  I wonder if she has a little Holstein in her ancestry.

The calf is big.  This is her first calf by Buddy and the calf looks similar to Buddy's other calves.  So hopefully I will get full price for the calf this Fall, unlike what happened with her calf last Fall.

While the mother is not as aggressive as Mama can be, and does not attack me, she does get real close when I work on her calf.  Other mothers usually come no closer than a couple of feet away.  I got nervous and then picked up the calf to carry it across the fence to the middle pasture.  Of course the calf was near the north side of the north pasture.  I had to pause a few times to catch my breath.  And the calf struggled.  And the mother was right behind me as I walked so half the time I walked while looking backwards.  A few times I thought the mother was going to come through the fence as Donna and I banded and ear tagged the calf.

The calf's umbilical cord area was still bloody so I got blood all over me as I carried the calf.  Good thing I was wearing my patched up pants and didn't care.

Afterwards... the cows ate their evening hay and the other calves hung out in the corral.

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