Thursday, April 19, 2018

Cutting logs, and Mama cow

A few days ago Jan had a number of trees on her property trimmed or cut.  Even though most of the trees were Aspen, I took the tree trunks for firewood.  I got a large pickup load of tree trunks.  Today I fired up my chainsaw and cut the tree trunks into smaller pieces suitable for splitting and then for my wood stove.

I then, until I ran out of chainsaw bar oil, spent a few more hours cutting up fallen trees in the middle pasture.  I gathered up a pickup load and a half of logs and stacked them for later splitting.  I also stacked half of  "Jan's" logs I cut earlier.

That, and riding 30 miles on my bicycle, has left this guy feeling his age tonight.

In the afternoon I found Mama cow drinking by herself at the water trough.  I opened the gate and let her into the south corral to be with Tobey.  Panda saw what I was doing and came running from across the corral but I got the gate closed before she reached me.  Mama and cow #80 are the last two cows left to have calves.  Mama is usually very protective of her newborn calves and maybe by being in the south corral it would be easier to ear tag, and if a boy, band her calf.  Donna will be happy I put Mama in the south corral as she doesn't like Mama.

Mama is happy as she now has an "all-you-eat" hay bale.  She immediately stuck her head into the bale and ate and ate.  The photo is when she took a break from eating.

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