Thursday, May 04, 2017

Falling down

This morning Daisy wanted to go outside just before 8 am.  I was half awake and got out of bed to let her outside.  At the kitchen Daisy vacillated between going left to the door or right to her food.  I was about to ask her if she wanted to eat or go outside when the next I knew was sharp pain and rolling and tumbling.

I thought: "What? Where am I?"

I thought: "I'm rolling down the stairs."

I thought: "I got to stop.  How do I stop?"

I tried to stop.  I couldn't.  I didn't know what was what, or which way was up.  Then I ended up rolling through and pushing the basement door open and rolled onto the basement floor.

I had passed out without no warning.  I had passed out once before last year when I was recovering from my shoulder surgery and that was next to the bed when I got up in the middle of the night.  This time I was out of my bedroom and almost to the front door.

So I am very sore with some abrasions.  I'm glad nothing worse happened.   I had been monitoring my blood pressure and the past few months it has been running high even though I take blood pressure medicine.  I didn't take my blood pressure after this event as the pain I was in would have elevated my blood pressure.  But I think this fainting is related to my blood pressure.

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