Saturday, August 03, 2013

Garage scale score

Last weekend when out riding my bicycle I stopped at a garage sale nearby.  They had some odds and ends of guy stuff.  Much of the sale was the old man's brother and mother's stuff, both of whom are deceased.

I noticed several hand saws.  I am finding it cheaper to buy used hand saws rather than pay to get my hand saws sharpened.

I didn't have any money on me so I went home. I stopped by my neighbors Bob and Jan.  Jan was interested in the chest of drawers at the sale so we went back together. The chest of drawers was already sold.

One of the two hand saws was already sold.  I looked around and spotted boxes of various goodies.  I can always use more nails.

And a larger hammer to make my uncles happy.  And a metal one at that to make me happy as I break most of the wooden handle hammers.

I have a metal square but this one is larger.

There also was an old ax, a handful of electrical outlet boxes, miscellaneous nuts, bolts and washers.

I got all this for $10.

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