Thursday, August 15, 2013

2013 Bonfire 2, part 2

As I mentioned earlier, the first bonfire on the very SW tree stump did not burn all of the stump. On July 25 Tammy and I had another bonfire over that tree stump.

I did the same as last time and uploaded the fire photos to an online album.

Here are a few interesting photos...

To me the fire looks like a phoenix rising, or a dragon.

In this photo the fire looks like a little goblin facing us and reaching up with his right hand.  The goblin's face is behind the fire (the stump not on fire) in the center top.

On our drive back to the house a number of deer were running around the pasture.

Deer eyes.

This bonfire did the trick as the stump was mostly gone the next morning.  The pile of ashes were still smoldering so I let it continue.  When I returned a week later to fill in the hole I found the pile of ash still had a little bit of heat so I left the hole for another time to fill.

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