Friday, November 30, 2012

New display stands

Tammy uses stands to display her Tastefully Simple products at her expos.

This is what she used when she first moved here:

This Spring I found some of my long boards for her to use and I built some boxes to hold the boards.

Once Tammy seen her friend Eva's lightweight stands Tammy felt her boards were way too heavy.

At Tammy's Women's Expo last Saturday I finally got a look at Eva's stands and today Tammy and I bought some pine boards at Lowes.  The boards are one inch thick and I wanted to get half inch boards to make the stands even lighter.  But neither Lowes or Home Depot had half inch boards in the eight and ten inch widths we needed.  I called a local lumber yard but they didn't have any half inch boards in stock.  Tammy was impatient and we bought the one inch boards instead of calling another lumber yard.

The boards were eight feet long.   Eva had - and Tammy wanted - four stands each three feet long.   The eight inch board yielded: two three foot stands and four six inch legs.  Perfect.

The ten inch board yielded: two three foot stands and two ten inch legs.   I was two legs short.

Instead of buying another board (Tammy spent $40 on the boards so far) and using only part of it for two legs, I found a board from my 'wood boneyard' and cut two ten inch legs out it.  Tammy is like my uncles Curt and Larry where the only good wood is new wood.  Tammy wasn't happy at using what she calls my "sh*t wood" for the final two legs.

We also had to try to use her new screws instead my old used screws to fasten the legs to the boards.

I attached the legs in a way that the stands could fit into one another for easier transport.

As you can see in the stand on the left those legs were made from my crappy wood.

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