Friday and today I worked on the well for the first time in over a week. The break in work was due to both the weather and frustration.
The frustration was due to all the time moving gravel around the well. Two sides with just the tin were either bowing or leaning. I had to dig the gravel behind the tin all the way down to the water level. I then used some odds and ends of stiff 'fencing' used in concrete to make the tin more rigid.
Each time I removed and adjusted the tin it seemed as if gravel slid down below the water level and my dug out area was getting shallower.
Adding to my woes was that the gravel I put behind the metal was causing the metal to lean in even though I had pounded rods and pipes into the ground to hold the pieces up. So I had to start adding braces to hold the sides up. Because the sides of metal were not equal I had to brace each side against the opposite gravel wall. Ya... not ideal when sloughing occurs. Yes, I had to readjust or replace with longer pieces some of the braces a few times.
Of course working with braces caused sand and gravel to slough underneath the metal pieces and into the water pit.

The more I worked the more I filled the area behind several of the metal pieces. Yet it didn't seem as if I was getting any deeper. Where is all this gravel coming from?!
Here is how I ended back on November 8 before Winter made an appearance. Yes, my work area is getting smaller. Using my small handle shovel is out. So was the post hole digger. I was down to using my hand or a small half gallon can.
With the metal and tin braced, and the weight of the sand and gravel against them, I was unable to lower the metal and tin. So when I got below the metal bottom the sand and gravel would slough into the water.

Here is how I started work today. On Friday I did my final (cross my fingers) work on fixing a side tin.
I reworked some of the braces and got the work area a touch larger. I found in my junk pile some pipes and I pounded three of them into the ground. With one pipe already in the ground bracing one side I should be able to create a platform to fit into the pipes on which I can set my pump. I also was able to get the hole deeper. It was dark when I finished for the day so I didn't get a measurement. When I started it was about 14 to 15 inches deep. I may have gotten the hole a few inches deeper. Good enough for now. Depending on how this holds up over Winter I have big plans on making this right next year.
The hole is deep enough that when working on bracing I leaned and water filled my boots. At the end when I exited the well my boots were filled with water to their tops. I took the boots off and drained the water from them and when about turning off, unhooking and draining the pump. Then I put stuff away. I was barefoot on frozen ground. I moved fast but had very cold feet by the time I got into the house and got the wood store lit.
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