Saturday, December 01, 2012

Feeder roof

To keep their hay dry while they eat it I built a roof over the cattle's feeder next to the barn.  Who would want to eat wet hay?  Especially after the rain has washed some of the nutrients out of the hay.

I rushed along as the forecast was a return to an extended wet period. 

The first day as I worked on the frame Momma and Baby hung around and would be at or near the feeder depending on how much noise I made.  The second day Momma and Baby were in the hayfield when I began work so I closed the gate to keep them out of the corral.  Whenever Momma and Baby see me in the corral they come over.   So they hung out at the gate while I worked and occasionally moo'd at me to voice their impatience at being locked out.  By the time I finished the work Momma and Baby were gone.  They did come from out of the darkness back to the corral when I called them.

I cobbled this together from my scrap piles. It may not look pretty but it works.  Even with all the rain we had the past few days, their hay has stayed dry.

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