Wednesday, November 07, 2012

New beaver dam

For the past month or two my neighbor has been battling a new group of beavers.  The previous years she had them trapped out.  But they keep coming back up the creek.

Since late Summer she would remove a good portion of their dam and within a day or two the beavers would quickly rebuild the dam and flood her yard again.

Now that it is November a guy living down the road is trying to trap them for her.  He said he set 13 traps and thinks there may be seven or eight beavers.  They are leaving the dam in place while he is trying to trap them.  I haven't talked with him since last week so I don't know if he has had any success.

The creek is over twice its width at this point and usually runs low so one can't see the water from where I took this photo.

The pile are the branches she removed earlier.

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