Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wait 5 minutes

We had all sorts of weather today.  I woke up to a dusting of snow.  Then around noon it began to snow heavily. Big, thick, wet flakes.  I went to check the mail, and after the brief time I was outside, I had to brush the snow off my coat and pants before going back inside the house.

The mid afternoon the sun came out and the melting picked up steam.

(The cleared areas were where I had shoveled the snow away).

While the temperature was still (barely) above freezing I went out to the pastures and collected my pocket gopher traps.  To mark the locations I had put white milk jugs on thin poles.    That doesn't work all that well when the ground is snow covered.   It didn't help when one pole and milk jug had fallen over and was buried in the snow.  This pole and trap were just across the fence in my neighbor's filed and at first I thought someone had swiped my trap and pole.

I had caught three pocket gophers and found another trap filled with dirt.  Too bad I hadn't caught that gopher as that would have made 190 pocket gophers trapped for the year instead of 189.  I like round numbers.

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