Friday, November 12, 2010

North side corral, start

I'm having so much fun working on my corral I decided to continue and work on the north side.

For the most part the weather is cooperating, and each day in the short time between the ground thawing and dark I get some fence work done.  Friday morning had a little snow so I had to wait until that melted.

Thursday was quite productive as I got three (count them - Three!) railroad ties in the ground to replace old posts.  I didn't get the dirt back in around the third tie as it was too dark to see.  For each tie I have to make sure it stands straight both north/south and east/west.  Also I have to make sure the tie is in alignment with the rest of the fence.  This is because I dig the hole somewhat larger than the tie for possible adjustment as I can't lift the tie out of the hole if things are not right.  With some effort I am just able to lift each tie just enough to slide it into the hole with a loud thud as it hits bottom.

It was good I waited until Friday to fill the dirt in as the third tie needed adjustment for fence alignment before dirt was packed in.

While Thursday saw three ties placed in the ground, Friday saw only one. 

If the weather holds - a big if - it is possible I may be able to finish the north side of the corral this year.

Here is the before and after photos after a day and half of work. Because I don't finish each day until after dark it is too late for a photo capturing that day's work.

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