Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Starter garden

The high temperature today at the ranch was 62 sunny degrees. Woo Hoo! It was nice today! No coat needed. The snow around the ranch is disappearing fast.

With the sun and warmth I have been putting my garden's starter plants outside during the afternoon. Actually during the day it is warmer outside than inside the house. When I am not in the house I don't have the wood stove going for heat and the house temperature is in the upper 50s to around 60. Better to be outside on days like these.

A few plants from the batch I planted a week or two ago have started to come up. A few cucumber, watermelon and cantaloupe plants. I also planted some pumpkin, sunflower and broccoli plants a few days ago after I bought seeds for them.

Here are some of my plants enjoying the sun and nice weather.

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