Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Creston auction

Last Saturday I went to the Creston auction. After an eternity of cold wet weather Saturday was decent. Sunny, light breeze and a temperature in the 40s. It felt like Springtime -- finally!

There wasn't near the amount of stuff this year. Friday, the day when stuff is brought to the sale grounds, was snowy, rainy, wet and cold. Most everyone believes that is why there was lots less stuff this year. Usually they have five auctioneers going simultaneously but this year there were only three active at once.

Usually I can find something that interests me, or something I could use if the price is right (cheap). Not this day. Not really. Well, maybe a couple items piqued my interest, but now that the auction charges people five dollars to just get a bidding number, I never bothered getting a number as nothing was 'must have'.

I checked out the vehicle and farm machinery to be auctioned on Sunday. Three small old beat up Ford tractors, a few plows, and most of the rest were cars and trucks. Nothing worth my interest so I never went back on Sunday, not even for the boat or bus.

I watched a few of the auctioneers. A few of my old favorites were there and a few ones too. I noticed the Amish auctioneer (see below) has toned down his Amish look. He also seems to have improved his auctioneer ability since I last saw him a few years ago.

Plenty of people were wandering around looking for deals. It seemed as most of the men had some sort of facial hair - and they weren't Amish. What's up with that?

I also saw a few maybe 20-something young Amish in the crowd. The women stood out more than the men. The young fresh faced sturdy women wore long prairie/peasant blue dresses and wore scarfs to cover their hair. On their feet were mud boots. The boots looked new and modern and didn't go with their outfit. But they were practical as the parking lot in the field was muddy/sloppy and I chose my route carefully when crossing it. Fortunately the auction grounds were fine.

The sheriff department had a man and women on horseback as part of security. I am not sure why there were so many officers for security as I have never seen anyone get out of hand at the auction. The auction claimed the reason for the five dollar bidding number cost was to pay for security. The auction is to raise money for the Creston Volunteer Fire Department but I guess not everyone cuts them a discount to help them out.

Here are some of the items being auctioned off:

If you were hungry, one of the food choices were fresh grilled hamburgers.

Here is the view of the Swan Range from the auction site:

All in all I spent maybe two hours there. A far cry from a half day to longer for their previous auctions.

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