Sunday, April 05, 2009

Jan's new puppy

Friday afternoon I went over to Bob and Jan's house for my haircut. I've gone from a "hippy" look to shorter hair and looking 10 years younger according to Bob and Jan. It is nice to have shorter hair. As I've gotten older (and having thinner hair ) I've preferred having my hair shorter than in the old days.

Also while at Bob and Jan's I helped turn over the mattress and box spring on Bob's bed. As they are getting older they can't quite do it anymore. I helped Jan make the bed again and their cat Jade likes to play hike and seek under the sheets when Jan makes the bed. So we had to stop to play a short game of hide and seek.

Their puppy - now named Jasmine - is still getting used to her new home. She went from a small dirty box out on a porch she shared with her mother and 9 other siblings to a warm new clean home, but alone. Jasmine was still anxious. Apparently Bob and Jan got very little sleep the first night Jasmine was home as she would howl for her mom.

I tried holding Jasmine but she kept wanting to crawl up on my shoulders to look around.

Jasmine is only six weeks old and was not weaned or potty trained. Jan has to show her how to drink water and milk. She put dog food in milk to soften the food as Jasmine has only a few small teeth in the front of her mouth. A little young to be giving dogs away if you ask me. Or I should say "selling" dogs. Jasmine cost $200. 10 puppies at $200 each and the owners made a nice income.

Ladies and gentlemen... I present: Jasmine

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