Since I felt warm I decided to go for a bicycle ride. I didn't go as far as I planned as I found it was colder riding my bicycle than shoveling snow. I only rode 4 miles and I was plenty cold by the time I returned. The wood stove heat felt great.
Last evening at dusk I saw seven deer cross my hayfield heading for the road to cross to the other side. That is the most I seen in a bunch in a long time. Where were they when Kelly was hunting?
This morning I seen deer tracks in the front yard as some of them crossed into the yard from the hayfield in order to cross the road using my driveway entrance. You can see the tracks in the photo.
What is also seen in the photo is the amount of snow I had left to shovel today. Now that I finished shoveling the snow, the forecast has more snow Sunday. Just like a few days ago... once I clear the snow, it snows again.

By the way, my thermometer currently reads -16 F. Since the sensor is relatively close to the house I noticed in the cold weather it reads about 4 degrees or more warmer than what it really is. Officially down the road at the airport it is -18 F. So I must be about -20 F. Brrrr!

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