Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Before the snow flies and the ground freezes

The end of November and the beginning of December and the ground is not frozen!! This past week we saw warm temperatures in the 40s F. (Yay!) I've been busy taking advantage of this good weather as soon (like today!) the snow will fly and I won't be able to do much work outside.

I've been working more on my loading corral. I finished the south side of the corral - or at least the posts. I plan to make the last panel a gate so I put that off till another day as I can work on that after the ground freezes.

Note: the white piece on the green gate is because a few years ago a steer tried to jump the gate and came down on top of the gate bending it. The white piece is my patch once I hammered the gate back into shape.

Here is the corner post I removed. Even though you can see signs of rot, the post was solid in the ground. In photo 2, the hole is 35 inches deep.

Here is the south side now that I rebuilt the fence. Leaning against the fence is one of the two remaining 8 ft wood corral panels I have left to use. It later went on the north side of the loading ramp. I don't have a 'before' photo, but trust me, this fence is now so much better and solid.

Except for the corner railroad tie, all the ties are 10 ft long and set into the ground 30 inches. The corner tie is 11 ft long and set into the ground 35 inches. The panels are about 5 ft high. Later I plan to nail one more level of boards a little higher on the ties - then the cattle won't even think about trying to jump the fence.

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