Tuesday, April 17, 2007

West corral fence

Yesterday and today I have worked on re-doing my corral's west fence. You may remember last year I took down the corral's south fence and built a new one, and also rebuilt half of the east corral fence. This year I am re-doing the west corral fence before I get cattle.

Yesterday I took down the old battered snow fence, took down the odds and ends of long poles or logs used to make the fence more substantial, took down the strands of barb wire, took out the rotting wood posts, and pulled out the newer steel t-posts used to shore up the fence. It looks different now - it looks so open.

I put in many of the new posts yesterday. This afternoon I finished putting in the rest of the new posts. Every other post is a new wood post or is a steel t-post.

I also worked on the two gates: one for driving through and a smaller one next to it for walking through. The one post I left - the post between the two gates - was leaning and my drive gate latch barely reached the catch. I straightened the post and now the gate's latch reaches to hold the gate shut.

I also strung two strands of new barb wire. The old strands were dark brown with rust. Tomorrow I hope to finish the fence. I am not sure I will be able to do so as I will be driving Bob around town on errands. Jan is out of town helping one of their sons move into his new house, and Bob's mobility is poor.

I also made another pumpkin pie today.

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