Monday, April 02, 2007

Indoor chores

Today was a day to do indoor chores. Outside the weather was a mix of everything: sun, clouds, rain, snow, calm, wind. At one point the ground was covered in a light layer of snow, but shortly it stopped snowing and the sun made a weak appearance, which was enough to quickly melt the snow.

I have a hole in my garage roof and it snows. What next?

The temperature struggled to reach the mid 40s F. That must have happened briefly when we had some sun as much of the day the temperature was around 40 F.

So I caught up on sewing, sorting, washing, fixing, and organizing. Dull, mundane, mainly everyday things that are part of life and things I haven't done for a while, which made my place a bit of a mess, or more of a mess than usual.

In the afternoon I had a guy come to the door asking if my place was for sale. Nope.

Yesterday before the Creston Auction I watched a pair of male and female Chinese ringneck pheasants south of my house and in the hayfield. They made a fine pair as they foraged together.

Today with the wind blowing, my cattle wind chimes were getting stuck together. The cattle were getting hooked on each other. *sigh* Well, at least they weren't stuck together in compromising positions!

For your information, here is the Creston Auction logo.

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