Thursday, April 19, 2007

Errands with Bob

Wednesday I went uptown with Bob to help him run errands. He can drive and walk short distances but in the store he needs to use those electric mobile carts. For the smaller stores without the carts I went inside to purchase the items for him. At Costco I got the electric cart. A nice thing about the big box stores is that they have electric carts for handicapped people to use. The smaller stores don't have a way for the handicapped to get around.

I felt odd using the electric cart as one must sit on the seat before it will go. There I sat slowly driving it outside to Bob's SUV. I imagine I got the "Why is he riding, he can walk!" looks.

A short time later inside the store the cart ran out of juice and stopped. I had to go to the front of the store and get another cart for Bob to use. This one had a little more power as it seemed to move one mph faster. *zoom zoom?* I still felt odd driving the cart through the store.

The food sample people were out in force and I ate a varied lunch as we shopped.

I am not a Costco member so I had Bob purchase some items I decided to get (who doesn't need a very large container of minced garlic?), then paid him back. I would have used his Costco card and my credit card but I found Costco does not accept Visa or Mastercard.

When we were uptown it started to rain lightly. It rained non-stop late into the night. So much for working on my corral fence Wednesday. And so much for the weather forecast as we were told the rain would pass to our south and we would miss out. We need the rain... but I need to get my fence done. Cattle may be coming.

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