Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Irrigation, cattle, weeds

The irrigation is working fine.  I moved the pipes this afternoon.  Tomorrow will be the start of morning and evening pipe moves.

I let the cattle come from Ruth's field to my south pasture this afternoon.  Ruth's field was getting eaten and the grass is drying up.   The cattle were happy to be home.  They went around the pasture checking everything out.  Then I saw them drinking in the river, then over to the island.  When moving the irrigation pipes I then saw most of the cattle were now in the middle pasture.  The river is low so the cattle can use it to cross from the south to the middle pasture.  So I opened the gate between the pastures so the herd can be all together.   When moving the few irrigation pipes in the north pasture the cattle came to that gate for me to let them into the north pasture.   Nope, while you want to go and check the entire ranch out, you have two pastures to move about it.  That's enough for now.

I planned to finally cut the grass in the yard.  But first I saw the bull thistle weeds across the road in my neighbor's field.  The thistle is getting close to going to seed.  I haven't sprayed my weeds yet as I get distracted doing other things.  Earlier I had pulled some more yarrow weeds in the south pasture as it is too late to spray those weeds.  For the thistles I took a knife and several plastic bags and cut the seed heads off.  I can spray the remaining weeds later.  It took a little time as there were a number of these thistles.  I did start cutting my yard, but only for a little bit as it was getting dark.

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