Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Stump 10 removal

My final tree stump removal for the year.

To fill in the holes for the stumps I had already burned I used the tractor to push the dirt back in the holes.  Then I got the idea to use the tractor on a tree stump in the north pasture.  Initially I thought of just using the tractor's bucket to pry/dig the stumps roots that extended at ground level all around the stump.

As you can see the stump was near other trees and a fence.  I could barely get the harrow around the stump.  Once I got the roots out I pushed the stump itself using the tractor's bucket.  The stump was more rotten than I thought it would be as I think the tree fell over five or six years ago.  I was able to get all the stump down and out.  And low enough to be underground so it shouldn't affect the harrow.

I can't find a photo of the tree stump before I pushed it over.  It was around four feet tall.

After I removed the tree stump.

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