Saturday, June 27, 2020

Fence work and tree work

This morning I was to put my chain on my chainsaw and have it operate correctly.  No problem.  The problem yesterday - no idea.

First, I decided to spend the afternoon working on the fence by the river in the north pasture and get it fixed before I let the cattle into the north pasture again.  This Spring the cattle pushed sideways the end fence metal fence post where they go to drink from the river.  I replaced the metal fence post with another larger metal fence post.  Maybe this post will stay upright.

South I moved a fence post over and away a bit from a willow tree growing on the river bank.  The beaver try to eat the trunk and lower branches.  The branches above the fence the cattle try to eat.  Maybe this fence movement will protect the tree more from the cattle.

North to the northern fence boundary I redid this fence.  Over the years the cattle pushed the fence to try to get to the willow trees growing on the river bank, and this Spring the cattle really did a number on this fence.  The fence is now leaning too much.

The fence originally was strands of barb wire to keep the cattle from accidently falling down the river bank and into the river.  Then the cattle reached through the fence after I put in the ground willow branches from my previous willow tree that blew over and died years ago.  Some the willow branches had grown into new trees.  So I put field fence on my barb wire fence to stop the cattle from reaching through the fence.

So I had to take the field fence off, and also the barb wires.  Then pull out the metal fence posts and then pound them back into the ground to be upright.  The wooden posts were broken so I replaced them with more metal posts.  Where the willow trees are growing I moved the posts a little more away from the willow trees to keep the cattle from trying to eat the branches that grow above the fence.

So, once again more unplanned work completed.

Then it was back to cutting more of the fallen tree.  I was able to cut enough of the trunk that was resting on the fence to get the trunk off the fence.  I continued to cut the trunk and got several pieces cut before my chainsaw's chain came off.   The two nuts holding the cover over the chain had come off.  What?!!!  Seriously!

I went and got a magnet and then found one of the nuts.  I couldn't find the other nut and the mosquitoes started to eat me alive so I quit for the evening.  I hope to find the other nut tomorrow and then figure out why they came off the chainsaw.   If it is not one thing, it's another.

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