Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Tree damage

Last Sunday morning we had strong winds and heavy rain.  I saw the rain clouds coming from the SW when I was getting up after 8 am to go give hay to the cattle.  I figured I would probably get a little wet by the time I finished feeding the cattle.  The clouds were already here before I could get out the door.  It began to pour and the wind was 55 mph with gusts to 69 mph. I waited until the rain was about over before going outside over an hour later.   Daisy then came into the house.  She was pretty wet and was happy to get inside the house.

Eight or nine years ago a wind storm damaged and broke off the top of an evergreen tree near my well pump house.  Sunday's wind storm broke more off the top of that tree.  Fortunately tree trunk missed my pump house even if a few branches fell on the pump house with no damage.

Using a handsaw I trimmed a number of branches off the broken tree.  I needed to use my chainsaw to trim the rest of the branches and get the trunk over onto its side.  But I discovered my chainsaw needed more than just a new chain (which I already had on hand).  I had last used my chainsaw last Fall when I was recovering from my injury and I may not have used it correctly.  My memory is not completely remembering what happened.  So I have the chainsaw in the shop to be checked over. That will take two and a half weeks as the shop is busy.

Four of the cows are in the back part of the yard and before I let them into the front yard to eat grass I need to get the broken trunk flat onto the ground.

Sunday's storm had lots and lots of damage in the area.  37,000 people lost electric power.  It appears I only had one other tree come down in the storm out in my pasture.  This evergreen tree is held off the ground for now due to an apple tree and another evergreen tree.  On the to-do list to handle another day some day.

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