Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Pocket gophers, rain, tree, and sunset

A busy day with not much getting done.

Lately I've been spraying weeds in my north pasture.  I use a backpack sprayer each day so this is taking longer than if I had a sprayer in the back of my pickup.  I don't remember spraying much last year as I had other issues to attend to and then it was too late to spray.  While my weeds are less, they need spraying every year for a while to eliminate new weeds that come up from the old seeds in the ground.  The north pasture is where this is taking off this year.

While spraying yesterday I noticed fresh dirt mounds.  Pocket gophers.  And in the north pasture!  Usually the pocket gopher problems comes from the south or east from the neighbor's fields.  Not from the north.  I guess some pocket gophers decided to travel a ways before settling down.  I set out two traps in the north pasture in the morning.  This evening I found I had caught both pocket gophers.  The gophers were on the smaller side so I am sure they were young'uns who recently left the home they were born in.   I also set a trap in the middle pasture today as I had recently come across dirt mounds when I was working on tree stumps.  I didn't catch that pocket gopher.  So far.

The hayfield is tall.  Ready to cut.  But now is not the time.  That is because last week was wet.  After a couple of warm and dry days today we had numerous rain storms.  Two thirds of an inch of rain fell today.  Surprisingly I didn't get wet when riding my bicycle.  Last week I got wet each day.  Today on my ride I had a rain storm to my north and another rain storm to my south.  My ranch, and probably a mile wide, got no rain.   Then.    After I was home and in the house, some hours later, it rained hard.  It even hailed.

Yesterday I got my fixed chainsaw.  This evening after it stopped raining for a while I finally was able to cut into sections the tree trunk of the tree that had partially fell in my yard near the beginning of June.

This evening we had an orange sunset.

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