Wednesday, June 10, 2020

More trimming on broken tree

This afternoon I trimmed the top of the broken tree near my well's pump house.

Original damage

Now after the top was trimmed.

Original damage

Now after the top was trimmed.

A series of photos showing the damaged tree top.

Trimmed off top.

Some of the top branches were mostly - but not always - detached from the tree trunk.  I had to cut them off.

These and other previous broken branches wanted to stay up on the other branches and not drop to the ground.  It was a pain to get them to fall to the ground. Often I would have to carefully walk out on live branches and trim off side branches of the broken branch so it wouldn't catch on other live branches. One branch I had to cut shorter so I could maneuver the branch around and down.

Even so, the trimmed branch in the previous photo still wouldn't fall all the way to the ground.  I had to stand on a step ladder so I could reach the branch and pull it down to the ground.

Some of the trimmed branches from the tree top.

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